Short film, 2022
Vessel is a short film directed by Dexter Jiang, a film that speaks about a family, and the son particularly that goes through a paranormal experience.
Vessel is a horror film that takes place in the middle of nowhere farmland with minimal civilization which makes the place a setting of no escape.
My role as a production designer on this film was to capture the motions that the main character goes through in the setting of a secluded cabin and displaying the danger he is put in.
Emotional Research and Location Study
Vessel is all about exhibiting the idea of paranormal experience that happens to an ordinary family. The location itself may look cozy, but because this is the place where evil spirit resides and that those spirits rupturing the family's peace, the main focus on bringing this location as a set for 'Vessel' is to add ominous motifs and metaphors through placing objects that seem like bad omens.
Masks: Demonic possession over the family
The original design and process of constructing the masks that represent the demonic possession over the family.